Since November 26, the district received verification five MUHS students and one MUMS staff member tested positive for COVID-19. Due to the long weekend and timing of symptom onset, no contact tracing was required. A notification letter is posted at
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
Although not in session November 25, the district received notification today that a MUMS staff member tested positive for COVID-19. Students, families, and employees identified as close contacts have been notified. A notification letter is posted at
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
Happy Thanksgiving to the students, staff members, and families of the Milton-Union Schools! Enjoy a safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving and long weekend with your family. To our community, thanks for the support and cooperation you have extended during an extraordinary time.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Happy Thanksgiving
M-U received verification a middle school student tested positive for COVID-19. Staff members consulted with Miami County Public Health regarding next steps, and the district continues to welcome and receive guidance from our local health officials.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
To stay informed, several of us were interested in this infographic regarding various activities and associated risk of exposure to COVID-19. Please stay safe and take precautions that promote individual and community health. Our students and young people benefit!
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Coronavirus Activities
M-U received verification three staff members tested positive for COVID-19. Two staff members provide services district wide while another is assigned in the elementary. Parents/caregivers of close contacts have been notified. Visit for information.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
M-U received verification a middle school student tested positive for COVID-19. A high school student attending MVCTC tested positive as well. Parents/caregivers of close contacts have been notified. The following is posted on the district website.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
Today, November 19, the district received notification of a COVID-19 positive student involving Milton-Union Elementary School. Students and families identified as close contacts have been notified. The following is posted on the district website.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
M-U seeks individuals willing to substitute for regular employees - teachers, bus drivers, as well as other classified positions. The process is a little different for substitute teachers versus classified positions, so please call if interested. Our staff will assist! Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
The district received notification today, November 18, a staff member tested positive for COVID-19. Students, families, and employees identified as close contacts have been notified. The following is posted on the district website.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
Do not miss a chance to purchase GREAT books and support Milton-Union library services! Visit the fall Book Fair through Thursday, November 19. Follow the link for more information. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Fall Book Fair 2020
Milton-Union BPA has put together an amazing fundraiser! The "Elf on the Shelf" fundraiser includes 24 activities for each day of the holiday season - perfect for busy parents! Proceeds fund BPA experiences. For information and access to the order form, visit
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Elf on a Shelf
Please take a moment to review our news feed on how the district plans to continue in-person instruction for as long as possible and as long it is safe to do so. Thank you for your support of Milton-Union Schools and our students.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
Shared with permission, follow the link for an important message from Miami County Public Health regarding COVID-19 as it relates to students, schools, and social events. Attention to this issue helps all school districts, not only M-U Schools.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Miami County Public Health
The district received notification today, November 12, a high school staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. Students, families, and employees identified as close contacts have been notified. The following is posted on the district website.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
The annual fall Book Fair continues in our Media Center through Thursday, November 19. Visit in-person or buy on-line, but don't miss your chance to purchase books and support Milton-Union library services! Follow the link for more information.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Fall Book Fair 2020
The district received notification today, November 6, that an elementary staff member tested positive for COVID-19. Students, families, and employees identified as close contacts have been notified. The following is posted on the district website.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
The Miami County Foundation held its grant award and recognition ceremony remotely today. Several grants were awarded to M-U staff members to support their work with students and programs! #BulldogPride
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Miami County Foundation Ceremony 11/6/2020
The district received notification today, November 5, of a positive COVID-19 case involving a middle school student. Students, families, and employees identified as close contacts have been notified. The following is posted on the district website.
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
Everyone at the Milton-Union Schools wishes to extend sincerest thanks for renewing our Permanent Improvement Levy. We appreciate the strong support our classified staff, teachers, administrators, and students receive from the Milton-Union community. Thank you! #BulldogPride
over 3 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Thank you image