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Over the course of this school year, Milton-Union has been participating in Project Ignite through its partnership with Battelle for Kids. In doing so, we hope to learn more about students’ perceptions of their learning and school environment by administering TheStudentExperience21.

TheStudentExperience21 is a questionnaire used to understand the student perspective around the themes of hope, engagement, and belonging. We hope to understand more about what matters most for our students’ immediate and long-term success and gather valuable feedback regarding the learner experience in academic core and elective, or specials, classes. This type of feedback is essential for our schools to enhance and improve the overall learning experience and identify and address any gaps that exist between student perception and teacher intention.

TheStudentExperience21 will be administered on-line to students in grades 4-12 beginning Monday, January 22, 2024. Students will be provided with class time to complete the 20-minute questionnaire and responses are completely anonymous. The survey window closes Friday, January 26.

If you would like additional information about Battelle for Kids, Project Ignite, or TheStudentExperience21, please follow the links. If you have more general questions, please contact one of the building offices or the Board of Education by phone or email.

Battelle for KidsProject IgniteTheStudentExperience21
Sam Watson, Principal
Milton-Union High School 
(937) 884-7940
Todd Shadley, Principal
Milton-Union Middle School
(937) 884-7930

Annie Blankenship, Principal
Milton-Union Elementary
(937) 884-7920
Brad Ritchey, Superintendent
Milton-Union EVSD
(937) 884-7910